TeMALab develops research, experiments and applications in the government of territorial transformations, aimed at the development of innovative solutions to face the challenges of environmental and energy sustainability.
From sustainable mobility to saving energy, adaptation to climate change in urban governance, TeMALab activities are enhanced through creative collaborations with leading international research institutions, government institutions and private entities.
The laboratory has so far received € 3 million for the construction of more than 10 research projects funded by national and European institutions.


Research is an essential part of the university experience, therefore TeMALab offers job opportunities in research areas of the Territory, the Environment and Mobility.
In TeMALab young graduates have access to information, technologies and experiences that enhance their training, allowing them to explore the chosen career path.
TeMALab allows young researchers to perfect their skills in specific areas of study, giving them the opportunity to work in teams, to participate in conferences and meetings and to publish the results of their research on national and international journals.

TeMALab can count on the collaboration of many, public and private, partners with a long experience in different sectors. These partnerships are a benefit to the research, in addition to being an opportunity for discussion and enrichment.

- Università di Napoli Federico II
- Università di Roma Tor-Vergata
- Comune di Napoli
- Staffordshire University
- Natural Resources Canada
- Geological Survey of Finland
- Joint Research Centre
- Postdam Institute for Climate Impact Research
- Politecnico di Milano
- Lancaster University
- TU Dortmund University
- Twente University
- Geneve University
- Harokopio University
- Tel Aviv University
- Middlesex University

