
Andrea Tulisi
Architect, graduated in Architecture from the University Federico II in Naples in 2006. In January 2014 holds a PhD in Environmental Technology with a research focused on rehabilitation strategies for semi-enclosed spaces in the “Compact City”. He is currently involved in the project Smart Energy Master at the DICEA department of the University of Naples Federico II. His research activity is focused on the link between urban open spaces and energy consumption.


Chiara Lombardi
Architect and junior researcher for the Smart Energy Master project at the Department of Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering – University of Naples Federico II.


Diego D’Agostino
Architect, Ph.D in Urban and Architectural Design at the University of Naples Federico II, co-founder of the Zoo Office – Architecture and Urban Planning agency, he collaborates with several architecture, engineering, urban design and planning, interior design and graphics studios.


Erika Saretta
Civil Engineer graduated at the University of Padua presenting a dissertation “Photovoltaics and Net Zero Energy Buildings: new concepts towards a Smart City vision”, carried out in collaboration with ENEA. In 2014, she won a one-year grant for post-lauream education and research within the project “Smart Energy Master” at the Department of Civil Engineering, Building and Environmental Engineering, University of Naples Federico II.

Fabrizia Primiani
Urban planner. She graduated from the University of Naples “Federico II” in 2013 with a thesis entitled: ” East Naples: green- blue network”. Since 2014 she is involved within the project Smart Energy Master contributing to the development and implementation of an online research catalog in the field of energy governance.

Floriana Zucaro
Engineer, graduated in Environmental and Territorial Engineering at the University of Naples Federico I I with a specialization in management of urban and territorial transformations. In March 2015 holds a PhD in Hydraulic, Transport and Territorial Systems Engineering at the Department of Civil, Building and Environmental Engineering – University of Naples Federico II. Since 2014 she has been a scholarship holder within the Project Smart Energy Master for the energy management of territory financed by PON 04A2_00120 R&C Axis II, from 2012 to 2015. Her research activity is focused on the integration of land use planning, sustainable mobility and energy saving policies in urban contests


Gennaro Angiello
Engineer, Ph.D. student in Civil Systems Engineering at the Federico II University of Naples. His research interests are in the field of accessibility analysis and modeling, land-use and transport interactions and sustainable mobility. He is currently involved in the research project Smart Energy Master and in the COST Action TU1002 accessibility Instruments for Planning Practice in Europe.

Gerardo Carpentieri
Engineer, Ph.D. student in Civil Systems Engineering at University of Naples Federico II. He received a master’s degree in Environmental and Land Engineering with a thesis on the integrated government of land use and mobility for environmental sustainability in the metropolitan areas. In July 2013 he won a scholarship within the PRIN project on the “Impacts of mobility policies on urban transformability, environment and property market”. He is currently involved in the research project “Smart Energy Master” at the Department of Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering – University of Naples Federico II.

Immacolata Di Francesco
Architect, Interior and Graphic Designer. Graduated with a thesis on “Representation and multicriteria analysis of the natural and built environment”; since 2008 she works in the fields of construction design and urban planning. In 2014, she won a scholarship for the European project SEM “Smart Energy Master” at the Department of Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering – University of Naples Federico II. In the SEMs project team she researched measures and best practices for energy saving and efficiency. She contributed to the development and implementation of the projects and actions catalog of the last twenty years of the city of Naples.


Laura Russo
Engineer, Ph.D. student in Civil Systems Engineering at University of Naples Federico II. She received a master’s degree in Architecture and Building Engineering with a thesis on urban expansion and the sprawl phenomena, with particular attention for Campania. Since 2014, she works at the Department of Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering – University of Naples Federico II – within the European project “Smart Energy Master” and her research activity is focused on the complex and multidimensional relationship between the city and energy consumption.


Maria Cristina Vigo Majello
Architect (2003), Master in Building and Environmental Design for Photovoltaics Integration (2004), PhD in Architectural Design (2007), PhD in Building and Environmental Recovery (2013) at the Department of Architecture, University of Naples Federico II. She has collaborated in the research activities of the Department of Architecture, University of Naples Federico II, with the Corited Consortium, developing skills on national and international research projects on sustainable energy related to existing built environment (2009-2011). Research activities have been focused on renewable energies, innovative technologies and integrated management models to promote energy efficiency of existing built environment. In 2014, she won a one-year grant for post-lauream education and research within the project “Smart Energy Master” at the Department of Civil Engineering, Building and Environmental Engineering, University of Naples Federico II.


Maria Rosa Tremiterra
Engineer, 2nd (level) University Master degree in Municipal Planning at University of Naples Federico II. She received a master’s degree in Architecture and Building Engineering with a thesis on sustainable mobility in the European cities. In 2014, she won a one-year grant for post-lauream education and research within the Project Smart Energy Master at the Department of Civil Engineering, Building and Environmental Engineering, University of Naples Federico II.


Mario Cristiano
Engineer, PhD and Fulbright Scholar, he studies the technological aspects of the building process, learning from examples set by historical buildings and the integration of advanced technologies that cross over from other fields of study, as they relate to the perusal of quality and sustainable environments. Part of the Smart Energy Master research project, at the University of Studies of Naples, he studies the definition of the energy consumption model of the building stock, to include non-residential, public and singular buildings. He is the author of more than 30 publications



Pierpaolo Comitale
Engineer, he received a master’s degree in Civil and Transport Engineering from the University of Naples “Federico II” with a thesis on “Mobility Management to support the development of sustainable mobility in urban areas. State of art in Naples”. He is currently involved in the research project “Smart Energy Master”. His research activity is aimed at drafting guidelines for the implementation of innovative Smart Mobility measures for urban areas, in Italy and in Europe.


Raffaella Niglio
Architect, she received a master’s degree with honors from the University of Naples Federico II with a thesis in Architectural and Urban Design. She operates in the field of sustainable buildings and environments and since 2014 she works with the Department of Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering within the research project Smart Energy Master investigating the “smart” performance of the Metropolitan City of Bari, Italy.

Stefano Franco
He received a master’s degree in Economics and Business Management – Marketing at LUISS Guido Carli University of Rome. In February 2014, he started collaborating with the Departement of Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engeneering of the University of Naples Federico II within the project Smart Energy Master for the energy management of territory.


Stefano Martini
Engineer. Admitted to the engineer register of the province of Rome (Civil & Environmental). He graduated in Civil Engineering at the University of Tor Vergata in Rome, with a thesis on the analysis and hypothesis of Energy Retrofit of the evolutionary home of Renzo Piano in Solomeo ( Perugia). As part of the project SEM he deals of the activities related to the spread of the Energy Efficiency Center, prototype demonstrator on the issues of energy saving designed as a point of information traveling.
